Election 2012

Washington Post Discovers That The Recovery Stinks

It probably would have been more helpful for the Washington Post to have stumbled upon this storyline BEFORE the election. This economic recovery has been a big disappointment relative to what the United States has usually experienced after a recession. Growth has been 9 percent below what […]

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Next Obamacare deadline: State health exchanges

A major deadline comes this Friday in the implementation of the massive restructuring of the U.S. healthcare system.  Under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (aka – Obamacare), all 50 States have until Friday to decide whether they will set up health insurance exchanges. The health […]

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Election’s Over: Obamacare Is Coming On Strong Now

In the past 48 hours, since the election results were complete, over 40 major American companies announced job cuts and layoffs. I wonder why. In completely unrelated news, I’m sure, the Heritage Foundation asks a very good question… What’s next for Obamacare now? The bad news is […]

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Americans, Your Doctors Have A Message For You Before You Vote

This is out in major newspapers across the USA today. -Bruce

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Fiscal Cliff Dragging Down US Economy Already

This has been a topic I’ve discussed here before — the looming “fiscal cliff” facing the U.S. economy in 2013.  I’ve also voiced concern that, just as happened when the Bush tax rates were in jeopardy in the past, the current business decision-making is stalling due to […]

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USA Faces A “Doctor Gap” By 2020

As someone who has worked with the provider community since 1997, I know the trouble that they have increasingly faced with private and public reimbursements going down while their expenses continue to rise. One of the biggest flaws in Obamacare is the lack of attention to physican […]

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Medicare Looms Large in 2012 Presidential Campaign

Suddenly Medicare reform and cuts are front and center in the 2012 Presidential race.  That is mainly due to Gov. Mitt Romney’s pick of U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis) as his running mate.  Rep. Ryan is the philosophical standard bearer of the Republican Budget that has passed […]

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Is Today’s Jobs Report Good or Bad??

Today’s jobs report is not as easy as “more jobs added than analysts expected” or “the unemployment rate rose to 8.3%.” You really need to dig into the report. It is complex and doesn’t fit well on a bumper sticker. What you need to look at is […]

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Heading Toward a “September” Surprise?

Former U.S. Senator Judd Gregg has some interesting thoughts on the state of the nation’s economy and its impact on the upcoming Presidential elections. September is a month where unusual and often extremely damaging things seem to happen. It is the month that kicked off the Great […]

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Congressional Preference Polling – GOP up over Dems

Traditionally, polling on Congressional preference always had a +5% bias in favor of the Democrats as compared to actual Election Day results.  Of course in the summer every poll should be taken with a grain of salt and as a snapshot. Via Rasmussen Reports: Republicans lead Democrats […]

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